About 10 million years ago the enzyme in our bodies used to detoxify alcohol, dehydrogenase…
Substance is Style
So it goes; another spectacular trip down. Spettacolare.
Didn’t ever post any pics of the Yard hotel, bar and restaurant common areas. Bric a brac meets shabby chic meets a reactionary aversion to minimalism meets hoarding meets collectible obsession.

Yeah, so it’s a design hotel.
We had a very civilized travel day. Up not too early, some packing, leisurely breakfast, checkout. Humidity returns with 34 degree heat; really oppressive. Lucked out with a BMW touring car for a taxi and Linate is a city airport, not too far, smallish, bus to the plane sort of airport. We were entitled to the BA lounge; small, windowless, feature-free, but at least cool and quiet. The bus transit to the BA Airbus 319 (the only plane as bad is the Boeing 737) was chaos and we left quite late.

Heathrow, as usual, panic stations. In the lounge, get this: The sport they are showing on TV is cricket. I’m not going to write out why, on July 5, playing cricket instead of something else is heretical in the UK.
Speaking of substance over style, we’re flying home on an A380; first time (and maybe the last? Orders have dried up and Airbus will cease manufacturing it in 2021). Here’s the question: The “bottom” level goes first, biz, economy. The “top” level has two sections of biz, one premium economy, regular economy, then in the tail a very small additional economy. Main or upper? We chose upper.