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About 10 million years ago the enzyme in our bodies used to detoxify alcohol, dehydrogenase or ADH4, underwent a single mutation that left it 40 times more efficient.  The mutation occurred in the last common ancestor we shared with gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos.  Without a modified ADH4 even small quantities of alcohol are poisonous.  With a modified ADH4 alcohol can be consumed safely and used by our bodies as a source of energy.

-Merlin Sheldrake, Entangled Life

So…A bunch of Kiwis, Aussies and two Canadians set out in a truck to drive overland across half the world.  Getting out of India by a land border was a hassle, involving an unscheduled trip to Srinigar (where only the Red Cross could cross), and then retracing our steps and quickly darting across a land border while the pooh-bah preventing us was on a brief leave.  First delay.  Crashing in Pakistan which involved an extended period of repair.  Second delay.  Getting arrested by the military in Iran.  Third delay.  Climbing a mountain in Turkey that was not meant to be climbed.  Wandering into a bar in Aleppo that was not meant to be visited by Westerners.  Missing the Lake Nubia ferry in Egypt, driving to the coast to Port Sudan instead (and getting stuck many times), then attempting to drive “around” the civil war in the south of Sudan (which at the time was still one country) and getting stuck in the desert.  Because it rained.  And remaining stuck for a month.  Retracing our steps back to Khartoum, then flying to Nairobi.  And what was supposed to be, all in, seven months, turned into ten.


The route. Although the Khartoum to Um Defog route, the month stuck in the desert, and then return via El Fasher, is a glaring omission.

Lassus wrote 530 motets, Telemann 35 operas, Bach nearly 300 cantatas, Haydn 104 symphonies.  Quick, name five of Bach’s cantatas.  I thought so.  Sometimes too much is just too much.  But so it goes.  And that in a way was the trip.  So much.  As our driver Annie put it at the 40 year reunion, that drive was some of the best memories (of her seven year gig driving for Encounter Overland) and some of the worst.

One guy walked off into the desert.  Another guy stayed behind in Khartoum to direct aircraft!  Three of us, Pete, Casey and myself called it a day after seven months, and flew to London.  But the hardcore African Animals persevered and showed up in London three months late, just days before the Challenger crashed.  Now there’s a metaphor.

38 years later most of the group convened in Sydney.  40 years later most of the group convened in Rotorua.  There is of course so much more to this story, this saga, but in short: A lot of beer was consumed.  And a lot of mosquitoes and flies plagued the group, a lot of dehydrated food was consumed, and despite the accidents and breakdowns and weather and, yes, Delhi belly, everyone survived.  And hell, you can’t even drive down and camp in Ngorongoro anymore so, you know, a lot of the trip couldn’t be repeated even if you tried.

The African Animals, so dubbed in Africa, here in Asia
Crash with a tractor, outside Lahore
Srinigar. Houseboats were great. Belly, well that was another story
Probably a Tuesday
Likely a Tuesday as well. Or a Wednesday…
All the comforts of home

The above shots were in Pakistan.  Hanging with some wealthy local looking for a wife and, above, with Gary, on a three-person detour to Hunza, which ran into a few snags.  I sold that leather satchel on eBay about 15 years later for more than I paid for it in Sydney!

When the military arrested us in Iran they took us to an army fort not far from the front lines with Iraq
Bruce, Johnno and Rob roll a spliff with toilet paper rolls (from the abundant ganja which grows as a weed in many parts of Asia)
Watching an avalanche across the valley, from a perch in Hunza
Still not in Africa. Back row: Pete, Andrew, Steve, Gary, Johnno, Casey (the one other Canadian), myself, Kathy, Paul, Tony, Trevor; seated middle Bruce, Tarja, Diana, Ivan, Kathy’s husband, Rob and Julie; front Kiwi John, Mike, Rob, our driver Annie
Somewhere in the Middle East. Steve, Andrew, Pete, Gary, myself
Pete, Casey, Tarja, and someone wearing, it appears, fashion from the International Male catalog (IMC, may you RIP)
Accident in Pakistan
“There won’t be snow in Africa this Christmastime” But you know what? There was rain.
A punk party in Turkey (another reason to drink…)
Climbing a mountain in Turkey with a sign “Danger: Do not attempt to climb”

Hanging in Rotorua, a few showers, a few haircuts, and a few pounds later.  Like 40 years later.

Apparently I gifted those pants to Paul
Commiserating with Annie while stuck in the desert (notice ankle scarf on sores)
Annie rides off into the desert…

Pete, not at the reunion, with Tony in Perth.  Bruce, also not at the reunion, with Rob.

Group effort
Sometimes we were rockstars

Celebrating 40 years in Rotorua, Saturday night, African theme.

OMG. Fashion faux pas. It’s like when Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston showed up in the same dress at the MTV VMAs in 1998.
After a month stuck in the desert at Um Defog, Tarja and Jo prepare a farewell dinner
Trying to traverse a bog in Africa. I’m one of the two on the roof
There may not have been snow in Africa (as per the Live Aid song) but there was rain, plenty of rain
Man covered in festering sores
Chilling at the lodge at the base of Kilimanjaro while most of the group endures the hike
2025. Back four, Johnno, Tony, Tarja, Andrew; Mike, Gay, Julie, Jo, Annie, Trevor, Paul, myself, Robert; seated Steve and Rob
Pete and I share a laugh at farewell party after the Kilimanjaro hike
John, the cop from NZ, and I talk to a local about where to buy a murse
I had a mullet? Ooof…

The author of Here Hare has traveled to over 45 countries on six continents, and has lived in Canada, the UK and Australia.

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